Legal Notice

The whole structure of the website with texts, images and sounds are property of the EURL CDC Château de Castelnaud.
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Computing and Freedom:
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The Trade marks and logos displayed on this website are the EURL CDC Château de Castelnaud. Mention of these marks in noway grants right of use of the said marks, which this cannot be used without prior written consent from the owner of the mark.
The informations on this website can be downloaded, reproduced, printed under the following conditions: – use these informations for personal use only and not for commercial purposes in any way. – these informations can not be charged.
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Texts: EURL CDC Château de Castelnaud
Photos: EURL CDC Château de Castelnaud, M. Boutry, P. Fournigault, P. Guth, G. Lachaud, J-M. Laugery, J-B. Rabouan and G.Camps.


+33 (0)


EURL CDC Château de Castelnaud
24 250 Castelnaud-la-chapelle
Tel : +33 (0)

Website conception

Espace Mendi Alde
48 av du 8 mai 1945
64 100 Bayonne
France –